Production Team Spotlight: Stephen Snaith
We caught up with Choreographer, Stephen Snaith to discuss musical theatre, his inspirations, and his involvement with Doncaster Stage Productions.
Stephen Snaith bio:
Studied at Haydon’s dance academy and enjoyed a professional career working for Disney, and numerous cruise lines. Now enjoying the creative side by teaching for local dance schools and choreographing for DSP.
Can you give us a brief summary of your musical theatre career?
I have been involved in numerous amateur shows including West-Side Story, Hairspray and Legally blonde. I worked as a dancer on cruise ships which involved performing a variety of shows containing musical theatre numbers. I now teach a musical theatre class and also choreographed DSP’s Our House (RIP).
When was your first show with DSP (formally DAOS), what was it, and how were you involved?
Hairspray 2015. I was Brad and Dance Captain.
Tell us about a memorable moment from your time with DSP.
Audition day for Our House (RIP), it was the first time I had been on the other side of the table and it was truly one of the best days of my life!
What has been your favourite production with DSP?
Legally Blonde, hands down.
What’s the biggest career lesson you’ve learned so far?
You’re only as good as your weakest leg!
What’s your favourite show?
The Book of Mormon.
What’s your dream show that you’d love to be a part of?
The Lion King.
Tell us about your process.
I begin by watching the show in question and taking countless notes, what characters are in which numbers, which characters will be required to do the most dancing and movement. Then comes the audition dance. The whole number will be set but we will only use a segment for the audition process. Then we work from biggest to smallest dance numbers. Each number will be set and staged and written in “the Bible” before being taught to the cast. Once all the numbers are set, we will then tidy up any bits during rehearsals leading up to the show.
Who are your inspirations?
I take my inspiration from numerous people depending on the show or number I am choreographing, I am a huge fan of Bob Fosse, Liz Imperio, Casey Nicholaw and Brian Friedman.
What are you listening to at the moment?
Six and by listening, I mean singing at the top of my lungs thinking I am Katherine Howard.
What’s the first show you saw?
Cats on video.
We Will Rock You West End.
Dracula Spectacular Amateur.
What tickets do you have booked right now and what show are you seeing next?
Six in July.
Tell us about a standout performance you’ve seen in an amateur production.
I worked backstage for a production of Jekyll and Hyde and Claire Roberston who played Emma was fantastic!
Tell us about a standout performance you’ve seen in a professional production.
Rosalind James as Eponine Les Miserables 25th Anniversary tour in Paris.
Do you have a favourite line from a show?
Hello, You have a lovely mud hut and if you just put down the gun oh oh okay I leave.
- The book of Mormon Hello Reprise
Which show do you think is overrated?
Which show do you think doesn’t get the credit it deserves?
Sweeney Todd.
What is your most treasured piece of memorabilia?
My signed programme from Hairspray with Michael Ball.